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  1. #251

  2. #252
    Geändert von Lafen (11.10.2018 um 17:24 Uhr)

  3. #253
    "Star Citizen überträgt Spieler-Mimik per Face over Internet Protocol (FoIP) ins Spiel. Das Ergebnis wirkt fast lebensecht, wenn auch reichlich unheimlich."
    Eine normale Webcam reicht dafür.,3335935.html

  4. #254
    Für alle die jetzt schonmal ein Blick ins Spiel werfen möchten aber nichts ausgeben wollen können am 23. November bis 1. Dezember 2018 an einem Gratis-Testevent teilnehmen.

    Als Testpilot wird man nicht nur den als Super Erde klassifizierten neuen Planeten Hurston und den Rest des spielbaren Universums besuchen, sondern auch alle bislang in Star Citizen integrierten Raumschiffe probefliegen.

    Dank des neuen 3.3.0 Patches und mit dem enormen Perfomance Boost macht das gleich doppelt so viel Spaß.

    Falls jemand nächste Woche ein kleines Tutorial Ingame braucht, ich bin nächste Woche auch online

    Alles was ihr wissen müsst um ins Spiel zu kommen, könnt ihr aus dieser Anleitung entnehmen.


    Welche Schiffe ihr wann testen könnt

    Allerdings nicht alle gleichzeitig, stattdessen steht jeden Tag des Events die Flotte eines anderen Ingame-Herstellers für 24 Stunden zum Ausprobieren bereit.
    Im Folgenden lest ihr eine Auswahl der inzwischen 71 Schiffe und Fahrzeuge in Star Citizen, zu welchem Hersteller sie gehören und an welchem Tag sie kostenlos spielbar sein werden:

    Nov 23 – Anvil Aerospace

    • Arrow: [REDACTED]
    • Gladiator: A ruggedly built two-person dive bomber.
    • Hornet F7C: Tough and dependable, the F7C is a multipurpose medium fighter.
    • Hornet F7C Wildfire: Special Edition of the F7C Hornet with custom livery and loadout geared for Arena Commander.
    • Hornet F7C-R – Tracker: Sacrificing a turret for an advanced radar dome, the Hornet Tracker seeks what is hidden.
    • Hornet F7C-S – Ghost: Stealthy, quiet, silent – the Ghost haunts an area by keeping a low profile.
    • Hornet F7C-M – Super Hornet: A two-seater multi-purpose medium fighter with a heavier loadout.
    • Hurricane: A heavy fighter with excessive loadout, including a turret that punches through shields and defenses.
    • Terrapin: Heavily armored ship with a sophisticated scanner, ideal for recon and exploration.
    • Valkyrie: A heavily armed multirole gunship and dropship.

    Nov 24 – Roberts Space Industries

    • Aurora ES: A descendent of the X-7, this is the perfect choice for new ship owners. Versatile and intuitive.
    • Aurora LN: For the combat focused, the Aurora LN comes with bigger shields and larger weapons that pack a punch.
    • Aurora LX: The Aurora Deluxe, adding luxury and comfort for long stretches in the deep black.
    • Aurora MR: A balance of function and performance, the Aurora MR comes with cargo capacity and guns to ensure freight gets there safely.
    • Constellation Andromeda: A multicrew freighter with modular design, the RSI Andromeda is one of the most iconic ships in the verse.
    • Constellation Aquila: Exploring the stars and distant horizons with a rover, sensor suite and a redesigned cockpit offering max visibility.
    • Constellation Phoenix: A chariot of the Gods, this converted luxury, high performance Constellation freighter is ideal for VIP transport.
    • Ursa Rover: Rugged, durable and tough, this is the rover you need to explore a multitude of environments.

    Nov 25 – Origin Jumpworks

    • 300i: Travel in style with this high-performance sleek touring ship.
    • 315p: Traverse the ‘verse with this high-performance exploration focused ship.
    • 325a: Origin’s sleek signature fighter, the 325 makes a great companion for finding your mark in style and sophistication.
    • 350r: Origin’s sleek signature racer, the 350 makes a great companion for leaving your peers in the dust.
    • 600i Explorer: The luxury yacht of Star Citizen, designed to explore in comfort and style with a vehicle bay.
    • 85X: A luxury and sporty short-range runabout for pilot and passenger.
    • M50: Origin’s premier racer, small, fast and highly agile.

    Nov 26 – Aegis Dynamics

    • Avenger Stalker: A modified version of the Avenger, catering to bounty hunters with prison cells.
    • Avenger Titan: A former police ship with a cargo hold for light freight and courier abilities.
    • Avenger Titan Renegade: Special Edition of the Avenger Titan with custom livery and loadout geared for Arena Commander.
    • Avenger Warlock: A variant of the Avenger, armed with an EMP generator to disable enemies.
    • Eclipse: A sleek stealth bomber, armed with heavy torpedoes.
    • Gladius: An aged but agile light fighter with mid-range armament.
    • Gladius Valiant: Special Edition of the Gladius with custom livery and loadout geared for Arena Commander.
    • Hammerhead: A multi-crew corvette bristling with manned turrets designed to counter fighters.
    • Reclaimer: A heavy deep space salvage vessel to reclaim wrecks and derelicts.
    • Retaliator Bomber: A long-range anti capital ship bomber, covered in manned turrets and capable of launching size 9 torpedoes.
    • Sabre: Favoring agility over durability, this ship is light, sleek and deadly.
    • Sabre Comet: Special Edition of the Sabre with custom livery and loadout geared for Arena Commander.
    • Vanguard Hoplite: Long-range squad dropship with a turret gunner.
    • Vanguard Warden: Long-range heavy fighter with a turret gunner.

    Nov 27 – Drake Interplanetary
    • Buccaneer: A light fighter that sacrifices durability and an ejection seat for raw fire power.
    • Caterpillar: A heavy multicrew commercial freighter. Lightly armed, with superior cargo capacity.
    • Caterpillar Pirate: A heavy multicrew commercial freighter. Lightly armed, with superior cargo capacity and custom pirate livery.
    • Cutlass Black: Black is back. Drake’s multicrew Cutlass is highly versatile, with combat and cargo prowess.
    • Dragonfly Black: A two-seater grav-lev bike. Easily traverses rough terrain, or closes the distance in space.
    • Dragonfly Yellowjacket: A two-seater grav-lev bike. Easily traverses rough terrain or closes the distance in space with custom yellow livery.
    • Herald: No secret is safe, Drake’s Herald captures and stores information before leaving at blistering speed.

    Nov 28 – Alien Manufacturers
    • Khartu-al: Enigmatic, exotic and agile. The fragile Khartu-al excels at lateral thrust and maneuverability.
    • Nox: Sleek and fast, this gravity bike slices across rough terrain. Perfect for scouting and racing.
    • Nox Kue: Sleek and fast, this gravity bike slices across rough terrain. Perfect for scouting and racing with a bespoke Silver paintjob.
    • Vanduul Glaive: This Alien medium fighter replica drives fear with it’s ramming blades.
    • Vanduul Blade: Armed and Dangerous. This alien fighter slices through the air with it’s agility and shreds its foes.

    Nov 29 – Musashi Industrial and Starflight Concern

    • Freelancer: A multicrew cargo freighter, with turret and ordnance to deter those after it’s haul.
    • Prospector: A miner’s best friend, with a powerful mining laser and saddle bags to turn mineral to profit.
    • Razor: Cutting ahead of the competition, this sleek racer will give the others a run for pole position.
    • Razor EX: Stealth special edition of the Razor outfitted with signature-reducing materials and stealth components.
    • Razor LX: Special edition of the Razor features an overclocked engine, reduced maneuverability and armaments in exchange of straight-line speed.
    • Reliant Kore: A fusion of Xi’an and Human technology, this light freighter allows you to haul cargo with a friend.
    • Starfarer: Keep fleets on the move with this heavy refueler.
    • Starfarer Gemini: Keep fleets on the move with this heavy refueler, The Gemini version sacrifices capacity for armor and a missile launcher.

    Nov 30 – Kruger/Argo/Tumbril/Consolidated Outland

    • P-52 Merlin: Small, agile and comes with a sting. This snub fighter is fragile, but difficult to hit.
    • MPUV 1C: A small and unarmed utility runabout that transports cargo.
    • MPUV 1P: A small unarmed utility runabout tuned to transport personnel.
    • Cyclone: Stir up a storm with this robust two-seater buggy that can carry a little something in the back.
    • Cyclone AA: This two-seater buggy with EMP functionality is armed with an anti-air missile launcher to deter threats from above.
    • Cyclone RN: Unveils the fog of war, the recon variant of the Cyclone is mounted with a powerful scanner array.
    • Cyclone TR: Support ground infantry with this combat variant, equipped with a mounted turret to provide cover fire for ground operations.
    • Cyclone RC: Racing variant. It’s red, fast, and equipped with built-in nitro boost.
    • Mustang Alpha: Consolidated Outland’s premier ship for those wanting to push the limits a little more when starting out.
    • Mustang Beta: Home is where the heart is, the Beta offers comfortable living quarters for beginners roaming the frontier.
    • Mustang Delta: The Mustang Delta is armed with heavier weapons and rocket pods.
    • Mustang Gamma: Racing the competition? The additional engine loaded into the back will provide the competitive edge you need.
    Geändert von Lafen (23.11.2018 um 03:07 Uhr)

  5. #255
    Super Idee von denen. Werde mein Glück versuchen. Aber so wie das alles in den letzten Jahren abläuft inkl. anderen Spieleschmieden werde ich 3 Tage brauchen um das Spiel zu downloaden um dann festzustellen das die Server total überlastet sind. Irgendwann werde ich dann doch mal ein Zeitfenster bekommen wo ich testen kann. Nach einiger Zeit werde ich denken: "Mmh ist das schon alles?"

  6. #256
    Scheint wohl ein Gratis-Event für alle zu sein die schon irgendein Paket gekauft haben. Wenn ich downloaden will erzählt er mir jedesmal das ich ein Paket kaufen muss. LOL

    Anscheinend ging es erst um 17 Uhr los. Aktuell kommt nur noch Time-out. Böse Zungen könnten behaupten das die Server überlastet sind.

    5 Min Später. Jawohl. Es geht los. Der Download von 12,4 GB ist in Arbeit.
    Geändert von KillerSprotte (23.11.2018 um 17:03 Uhr)

  7. #257
    Tja keine Ahnung ob er es geschafft hat den download zu beenden, denn jetzt geht wieder gar nix. Feiner Einstieg.

    Aktuell geht es mal wieder weiter mit 32 GB DL.
    Geändert von KillerSprotte (23.11.2018 um 19:08 Uhr)

  8. #258
    Wenn du Fragen hast, ich bin am Wochenende und in der nächste Woche so gegen Abend im TS.

  9. #259

  10. #260
    Hier muss man hin um die Schiff quasi auszuleihen:


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