Zitat Zitat von csm308
The target for 18th Armee night is the recapture of Liege.

We lost HAMOIR during the night. We need Hamoir back in order to safely attack Liege from Sprimont. During the day today, concentrate on recapturing HAMOIR, keep the FBs to Liege up and operating at all times, and mole the crap out of Liege itself until we are ready to attack tonight!

I have asked for support from 12th Armee for the attack on HAMOIR as it is in their AO. They may or may not support our attack on Liege since it is out of their AO.

Put a call out to all of your units and squaddies to get max participation.

I look forward to a successful conclusion to our efforts.

In short, I want to be drinking schnapps in the bar of the Mercure Hotel in Liege by the end of the night.

Oporder posted below:

Oberkommando des Heer Communication

SECURITY LEVEL: Confidential - Suitable for Secure Squad Forums

From: Generalmajor Csm308, Kommandeur 9.Panzerdivision
Heersgruppe: B
Armee: 18,
Korps: XIV, XXXIX,
Division: 14, 29, 2, 9

Operation Name: Sturm am Liege
Operation Type: Attack
Operation Target: Liege
Start Date: Jul/01/2004
Start Time: 21:00 Eastern Standard (GMT -5)
Operation Text Channel: 39 for command only, division attack channels for everything else.
Operation Objective: Our objective is to liberate the city of Liege from the British oppressors!

Main Force
Comprised of: 13th Motorized Infantry Division
OIC: Senior OKW Officer Present
Spawn Point: Verviers FB
Rally Point:
Text Channel: Division Attack Channel
Primary Objective: Verviers Depot and Luxembourg RR station
Secondary Objective: Liege East Army Base

Main Force
Comprised of: 2nd Motorized Infantry Division
OIC: Senior OKW Officer Present
Spawn Point: Vise FB
Rally Point:
Text Channel: Division Attack Channel
Primary Objective: Vise Depot, Luxembourg City CP, Aachen RR Station
Secondary Objective: Liege East Army Base

Main Force
Comprised of: 9th Panzer Division
OIC: Senior OKW Officer Present
Spawn Point: Sprimont FB
Rally Point:
Text Channel: Division Attack Channel
Primary Objective: Ramet, Sprimont and Nandrin Depots; Antwerp RR STation
Secondary Objective: Liege South Army Base

Main Force
Comprised of: 29th Motorized Infantry Division
OIC: Senior OKW Officer Present
Spawn Point: Verviers AB
Rally Point:
Text Channel: Division Attack Channel
Primary Objective: Assist 13th MID in securing its objectives
Secondary Objective:

Links for Visual Aids, Recon and AI Maps:

Auf deutsch: Hamoir nehmen, dann liege!

Ziele für uns:

Primär: Ramet-, Sprimont- und Nandrin-Depot; Antwerp RR Station
Sekundär: Liege South Army Base
