S! Gentlemen

its that time, where we must focus on what is needed to be done ingame.
We are on the offensive, we are getting towns, slowly but surely. But there are some things that we must make sure happens.

Gentlemen, this is the longest map in this games history, we are soo close to putting the final nail into the allied coffin, lets continue to make sure it happends.

gentlemen, this is our lifeline, and what seperates us from the allied side, we are good at this, but we must keep it going, and get better, since it never can be good enough

doing the right things:
Keep opels running, keep resupplying, and make sure we got defenders at the depots we capp.

Combine forces:
on hotspots, combine forces, team up and together you will be victorius.

This is going to be our finest hour, 1 of our greatest victories we ever had, and i am proud to be in this organisation with all of you. We are the the superior organisation, due to all of you, but we have not won yet so gentlemen, lets put this allied dog to sleep once and for all!

So, Keep focus on what we need to happen, and keep on trucking!
Generaloberst Andyboy
Oberbefehlshaber 6th Armee
Oberkommando der Heers