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Thema: X3 - reunion

  1. #41
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    you should really install the bonus pack now. yesterday around 15 missles where lauched against me within 2 minutes ( I attacked one of those xenon convoys with my nova - one corvette with several fighters).
    god bless the counter measures system =)

    very interesting is also the logistik mk2 software. very complicated at first but once you are used to handle it its ok. I have two traders managing alone the overflow and shortage of ressources from all my factories.

    btw: against khaak clusters hurrikanes works at best. two of them and the cluster is gone (if timed well. optimal firing range is 3k-5k two missles short after another as soon as the cluster "goes up").

  2. #42
    Well I spent yesterday fine tuning the factory by trial and error Don't ya worry Vas, I intend to install the BP, but 1st I wanted to know what's it like to manage a factory without it. I thought I coul take care of the situation with only two freighters but finally I had to admit it was a bad idea, factory was idling way too often due to the lack of resources. Anyway game day 6 started and it's finally running on it's own and making profit. But I sure was close to liquidity problems as I had to invest more credits than I thought in a short period of time.

    I have an advanced satellite in The Ore Belt, and while I was just checking the overall situation I noticed two Kha'ak Clusters in that sector, close to the outer edge of the satellite scanner range. They were just sitting there doing nothing, but as my only "gunfighter" is a Discoverer (with 4xBIRE) peasooter, there's not much I can do. On the other hand, I could just save the game and test what kind of a hand lady fortune's gonna deal to me 8) One of the advantages of a "offline" game.

    I don't know if it's a good idea, but remember that Toucan that is there to be claimed for free? I made it to be a "warehouse", sort of. I transfer all kind of stuff that might come handy on a later date to it. Shields, software, ordnance, guns etc, all kind of wares which I "beg, steal or borrow" and save for a rainy day

  3. #43
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    Until you have a own HQ using a transport as warehouse is a must I agree =)

  4. #44
    Another piece of information, which may come handy:

    Prior to 2.0.02 there was a risk to lose one of your ships when it was docked at a station that G.O.D. decided to 'remove'.

    Q: Do you imply that this has changed in 2.0.02?

    A: As of 2.0 the GoD engine no longer removes stations/factories if and when a player-owned ship is docked.

    Q: So, theoretically, if you got 1000's of cheap m5s, and put one in every station, no stations would ever be removed by the GoD engine?

    A: In theory, yes. Although I don't know if anyone's ever tried it...

    This conversation was clipped from <this thread>

  5. #45
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    Ive found a nice dogfight video on youtube:

    but this guy seems to be a bad pilot especially his aiming is ridiculous bad lol

  6. #46
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    wow. this looks awesome (see the link below). Iam scared about some geniuses out there :shock:

    this aint just a mod thats nearly a new game. could be my tase. looks like TOTAL WAR :twisted: (but finished yet but nearly as it seems) art=0

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Zitat Zitat von Vasquez

    wow. this looks awesome (see the link below). Iam scared about some geniuses out there :shock:

    this aint just a mod thats nearly a new game. could be my tase. looks like TOTAL WAR :twisted: (but finished yet but nearly as it seems) art=0
    Below is the link to a d/l'able trailer of the mod v0.7, not compatible with X3 v2.0 though. Can't view it here at the office, most likely it's the same as in your youtube link, all in all the mod looks very interesting ... and true that some members of the community are really talented and the time and effort they put into projects like this one amazes me every time. But it's the same thing in every so called open architecture software/game like for example rFactor and MS Flight Simulators.

    Anyway, good news is that :

    In Q1 2007 The Xtended Mod team will release a final update to the X³: Reunion stock Universe under the title

    Xtended: Revelations.
    Ive found a nice dogfight video on youtube:

    but this guy seems to be a bad pilot especially his aiming is ridiculous bad lol
    This guy obviously uses keyboard for flying, that's the most likely reason for odd flying and shooting like that.


    More X-Tended material from YouTube

    <X-tended mod M7 Frigate trailer>

    <X-tended Military Centaur Teaser>

    And a new site to check out

  9. #49
    Talking about last night .. no not that stuff but in my X3 game for the fist time I hit the button labeled *PANIC*

    Over a dozen Kha'ak ships entered The Wall while I was mapping Thuruks' Beard in my Split sector expedition. Otherwise not that big of a deal, but my 1st and so far only factory is located there with no protective measures available other than those supported by the Argon Federation. And those Argon military ships were just sitting there doing absolutely nothing. In a bit of a hurry I had to divert all support vehicle traffic entering or leaving that sector to somewhere else, mostly to Argon Prime. As a priority 1 command, one Mercury was ordered to dock with the Lasertower Factory ASAP.

    While I was heading back, I ordered 5 lasertowers and loaded to the Merc. Lowered the price for Cahoona Meatstakes in order to get ncp traiders more interested in my products because if the worst case scenario should come true, the amount and the value of the goods in stock would be lower.

    The Kha'ak managed to destroy 1 SPP XL, a few freighters (luckily none were mine) before the Argon fleet reacted and sent the invaders to kingdom come.

    Ok, as the Kha'ak threat was now gone, time to move the Lasertowers in position. I don't know how effective they in fact are, but with such a short notice, those were the only thing that came to my mind as I don't have the cash to buy fighter ships and arm them.

    And I did remember to set the factory as a home base for them. Will be interesting to see if they are of any use.

    Btw I tried to engage some six Kha'ak scouts and a fighter in my Disco of which I mentioned earlier, but they handed my butt to me very very rapidly

  10. #50
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
    Registriert seit
    yesterday night I destroyed ALONE (without any ships of my fleet) one xenon cruiser, a carrier and 98 fighters during a xenon invasion rofl (33 million reward).

    seems I have to change my ship for more challenge. my nova has a top speed of 432

    btw: what I like is that the xtended dudes wrote that they have dramatically increased the game performance.


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