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  1. #1
    schonmal probiert, das scheint laut den posts genau die zeit gewesen zu sein.

  2. #2
    Generalmajor Avatar von Sniper09
    Registriert seit
    Schritt 1------


    Battleground Europe is a combined arms simulation in an online, persistent, action-packed 3D world and requires you have an active subscription. The game is always being updated with new vehicles, weapons and features which are free to subscribers. Here's a quickstart guide to getting onto the virtual battlefield.

    There are 3 steps to getting, installing and playing Battleground Europe;

    Step 1 - Signing Up

    To create and activate your subscription you need the CD Key which is found on the jewelcase of your retail copy. If the retail version is not available in your country, you can purchase an Activation Key online for $19.99USD. Whether you use a CD Key or an Activation Key to create your account, you get a 30 day FREE trial before a paid subscription is required. The standard subscription is $14.99USD per month but you can pay as little as $8.33 a month by pre-paying.

    Make sure your computer meets the recommended system requirements before getting started.

    Step 2 - Downloading the Game

    Battleground Europe is always being updated with new vehicles, weapons and features so you need to update. Once you've created your account you will need to get the latest version of the game.

    If you have already installed the game that came with your retail box, then it will be auto-updated when you login. If you are buying an Activation Key because the box is not available in your country, you need to download the game. On the last screen of the account creation process you will be presented with links to either the Macintosh or Windows program files you need to download and install. The files you need will be approximately 125MB.
    Visit the Downloads Page <

    Step 3- Getting Started in the Game

    Once you've got your account setup and the game installed there are a few things that will help you get into the game and have fun right away;

    Training- We have a great training program which is made up of two main components;

    - A resources library including the official Online Game Manual and player-written guides is a great place to start to get familiar with gameplay and learn the input and configuration options available for the game.

    - A 24x7 training server is a great place to get your feet wet in the online world without getting blasted by the enemy at every turn. There are also scheduled classes where you can chat with trainers and get the help you need.

    Commands and Recruiting- The scale of conflict and gameworld is so large that a player who is not attached to a unit or part of a group may feel lost and confused about how they can make a difference in the game. IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU VISIT BOTH THE ALLIED AND AXIS COMMAND SITES TO LEARN ABOUT OPERATIONS AND MEET, PLAN AND FIGHT ALONGSIDE FELLOW SOLDIERS.

    Schritt 2--Account erstellen hier-----


    Sollte dann funktionieren--Viel Erfolg und willkommen bei WWII und der 7ten Inf--S!

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Malsch / Karlsruhe
    Also ich kann machen was ich will, ich finde keine Möglichkeit meinen Key einzugeben :cry:
    Fängt ja gut für mich an - Noob oder was :x

    Aber wo gebe ich jetzt den Key ein ?????????
    Möge die Macht mit Dir sein !

  4. #4

  5. #5
    gabs da nicht nen link als mail zugeschickt wo mann einfach durchclicken muss?

  6. #6
    Generalmajor Avatar von Sniper09
    Registriert seit
    How do I subscribe and start playing?

    Battleground Europe; WWII Online is a pay-for-play online game; we require players -- with a valid Playnet account -- pay a monthly subscription to the game after the initial free trial period (for new players). Players can pay with a valid credit card (Visa or Mastercard), or a valid alternate payment method through a service like PayPal, or, for international customers, the Bibit service.

    Playnet account creation and subscription to Battleground Europe; WWII Online is handled in the same part of the process. Visit the website and click on 'Subscribe Now', or you can visit that page here.

    If you already have an existing account (or you've subscribed in the past and want to resubscribe) you can click on 'Use Existing Account'. Brand new players should click on 'Create New Account'. Players using special promotional keys can create limited time accounts based on those promotions by clicking on 'Create New Promo Account' near the bottom of the page.

    Step One: The login information goes here, including the new member name and password. This is the name you use to log into the game and account management, but note this is not what you will be known as in-game.

    Step Two: Now choose a game-name; this is how other players will see and identify you in the game. The name must be eight or less alpha-numeric characters, and duplicates or names with questionable language and references are not acceptable. Choose your game-name wisely, as players must pay to have it changed at a later date.

    Now retrieve the CD key that came with the game (it should be printed on the jewel case or protective covering of the game CD, not on the CD itself). Players have the option of purchasing a CD key (also known as an Activation Key. Leave the CD Key field blank and click on the checkbox beneath the 'Retail CD Key' note.

    Step Three: Choose a subscription plan and method of payment. The subscription plan shows what methods are available to pay as well as the term (or length of subscription). A monthly subscription automatically renews itself every month after the free trial period; a six-month plan renews itself every six months after the trial period is over.

    The billing method itself is split into two types: Direct (immediate) and Offline (not immediate). In essence, players that wish to use a credit card (a check card should work) can use the Direct method. Those that wish to pay by other methods or international customers that do not wish to use credit cards must choose from one of the three offline methods. Paypal withdraws funds from a player's Paypal account (see for more information), Paybycash is an alternate method where players send in checks or other forms of funds transfer (see for more information), and Bibit is a global payment service -- the exact services offered depends on the country the player resides in. Most offer some forms of local credit cards and bank transfers.

    If the player goes with a Direct (credit card) method the player must enter in billing information. Though the new player will not be billed for the initial free trial period, the player must enter in valid billing information for the account to open and stay active. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diner's Club and Laser credit cards are currently taken.

    Step Four: Finally the player must enter correct billing address information, including full name, valid email address, mailing/billing address, and country.

    Once all that is filled out, click on 'Review Your Entries'. Anything that is not properly filled out will result in an error (red arrows and text show where the error is); otherwise the player will get an overview of what was entered and a chance to alter any information before proceeding to verification.

    Verification is a process that can take up to an hour but usually completes within minutes. Once done the subscription will then be activated and the player can now participate in Battleground Europe; WWII Online. When the free trial expires the player will be notified by e-mail and the subscription will be automatically billed.

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Malsch / Karlsruhe
    Hallo !

    Ich habe jetzt nochmals fast alle erdenklichen Links und Seiten durchgeklickt, komme aber nicht in den Bereich wo ich meinen Key eingeben und freischalten kann.

    Stand der Dinge ist :

    - Ich habe einen Account mit meinem Name generiert : FXBot
    - Ich habe den Key als Mail erhalten mit folgendem "Direktlink" (bezahlt mit Offline Billing Option)
    - Auf dieser Seite kann ich entweder einen komplett neuen Account anlegen, das ich natürlich nicht möchte weil mein Account schon erzeugt ist
    - oder eben mit dem Vorhandenen Account wieder auf die Bestellseite in welchem Abbo ich das Spiel bezahlen möchte. Als Abschluss bekomme ich die Bestätigung das ich Premium bla bla bla hätte wie ich es weiter oben als Screenshot angefügt habe
    - Aber ich habe immer noch keine Möglichkeit gefunden meinen Key einzugeben

    Ich weiss echt nicht mehr weiter. Wenn ich das Spiel starte und ich mich einloggen muss werde ich natürlich wieder auf eine Seite geführt wo mein Account zu überprüfen ist.
    Wer kann mir weiterhelfen ?? Und bitte keine kopien aus der offiziellen Seite, die habe ich jetzt alle schon einige male gelesen. Wenn ich es morgen nicht hinbekomme muss ich mich doch mal an die Betreiber richten und deren Hotline anschreiben.

    Alles wird gut :P
    Möge die Macht mit Dir sein !

  8. #8
    wird schon alles gut werden :wink:

    habe mal 2 posts gestartet im .de forum und im .com forum

    du kannst immer mal da reinschauen ob sich da wer meldet, wenn nicht schreibe ich heute mal ne email an rafter.

  9. #9
    Versuch mal dem Link hier zu folgen und klick auf Use Exisiting Account, Passwort und Namen eingeben und dann schau mal ob du Aktiv geschaltet bist.

    Alternativ kannst du mir oder Jenne auch dein Passwort zusenden und wir schauen mal was da fehlen könnte. Den Key muss man glaube ich nämlich gar nicht eingeben, der kommt da automatisch hin.

  10. #10
    aber laut dem hier:

    If you purchased an activation key online it is automatically associated with your Playnet account, you don't have to enter it at a later time.
    brauchst du den gar nicht, du hast einen account erstellt und kannst nach dem du bezahlt hast eigentlich schon loslegen.

    haste schon mal probiert ins game zu kommen??


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