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  1. #8
    Say you are Shogun, like I am now. The last thing you would want is sissy-girly-dwarf Tom Cruise as the Last Samurai, so! What do you need? A Navy! For what? Well, you could invade England and kill his ancestors, or send ninjas to do that (a cleaner strategy). Recognizing his ancestors shoudn't be a hard (look por short people). But! You don't only want that! But to expand the blessings of the Emperor through the world and make Hollywood be a producer of Anime-Films! Also, Superman, batman and the others would be much cooler in manga style, so! What do we do, invade America of course!!! But, be careful! As native-americans could steal muskets from europeans and use them against them, you should be wary of them stealing some katanas! We don't want indians with a katana in one hand and a tomahwak in the other!!! So you conquer North America, banish all Cruises from entering America in the future. And you make an anime-film called The Last Mohawk, teliing the story of a sake-addict japaneses who goes to America to train the yanks to kill the mohawks but is captured, falls in love, stops his drinking and will tel the President of the Usa "how he lived". Yeah, perfect revenge.

    PD: This way, no Pearl Harbor movie also, everybody wins, even americans!!!
    Geändert von Patrick O'Harte (19.09.2011 um 21:07 Uhr)


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