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  1. #1

    [RDP] RDP Bombing Contest -- Campaign #31

    Gentleman! It's time again to check your coordinates, trim your plane, fly steady, set your sights, stay calm and bomb their factories to rubble !

    We are competing in two categories. 1) Squads and 2) OKA units (6. armee, 12. armee, LW, lonewolf) When ever you do a bombing run as bomber or escort, report here the following:

    <number of pilots/sorties>


    6 pilots
    Osasto Lagus
    12. Armee

    If you do not belong to a squad and/or want to participate as an individual, use your name instead of a squad. If you do not fell you are affiliated to any OKA unit, use "lonewolf".

    I did 4 sorties tonight
    <your name>

    AND YES! You can also report factory defense sorties here! 1 hour in factory def == 1 RDP sortie.

    You are also welcome to include a small AAR, like "8 on Whitstable #7" or "bombers were shot down near Reims, escorts scored 3 enemy fighters".

    Scores will be updated to new messages every now and then.

    1) SQUADS:

    2) OKA UNITS:
    6. Armee: 0 sorties
    12. Armee: 0 sorties
    LW: 0 sorties
    Lonewolfs: 0 sorties

    Channel for RDP bombing is 69. Tune it, ask for targets or ask for escorts or provide escorts.

    Channel for factory def is 83.


    sehr schön sehr schön

    wer mal mitfliegen will sagt bescheid.
    "das Fluchen macht den Kopf nur heiß.Bist Du am Feind - sei kalt wie Eis."
    "Kein Anderer als ein Jäger spürt,Den Kampf und Sieg so konzentriert,Das macht uns glücklich,stolz und froh,Der Jägerei ein H o r r i d o!"
    "Lost are only those, who abandon themselves!"
    - Hans Ulrich Rudel

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    aah, warst schneller als ich


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