naja da verpasse ich eh net viel 8)

Along with the new patch next week scheduled for 9/4 we will have a character wipe in preparation for 24/7 server access. The wipe will be done at the time of the patch on Tuesday. Also in this patch we will be limiting game access to Concordia and Torden (and their instances) as we focus on testing those areas. We need bug reports galore during this time on those areas.

24/7 access will begin 9/7 for both the US and the EU:

o EU – start at 5pm GMT+1
o US – start at 5pm CST

The patch after the 9/4 patch will re-enable higher level content, but will be three weeks after the 9/4 patch, not two as we focus balance, polish, and bug-fixes till our fingers bleed.