So. Nachdem ich dem ersten GM nachweisen konnte, dass er unseren Clannamen aus falschen Beweggründen geändert hatte (erste begründung war: LG=Radikale Gruppe im dritten Rweich) lol

hat er wohl seinen Chef zur Hilfe geholt und dieser schrieb:


Originally Legion Condor was formed in response to general Francisco Franco's ask. During the Spanish civil war in this unit server over 20000 German soldiers, getting experience they used in WW II.
At the time the Legion Condor was formed, Germany was ruled by Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP. Although Hitler officially supported policy of non interference, he justified existence of Legion Condor as war against Bolshevism.

Considering the above it's unlikely to consider original Legion Condor as not linked to Nazism.

I'm not sure how GM Nindir explained this situation to you, but the reasons behind rename are highly negative historical background of the Legion Condor unit and it's strong connections to ideologies currently considered in many countries as illegal and/or highly abusive (racism, nazism). As such, the decision remains valid.

Szymon - PotBS Customer Support Team
Meine Antwort:

Hello Szymon,

I think this goes to far here. This game doesnt cover ww2 area and If you will nearly every german name from any principalities or famous leaders from the 17th century age couldnt be used since they were more or less ALL also used for german units or battleships or whatsoever in worldwar2.
We dont have "hermanns" or "adolfs" in our society. All spanish or british nicknames. We are even not all from germany. And there is a german airline in germany with the name.
We had this society name almost since launch of PotBs. We dont get the point of beeing renamed all of the sudden only cause someone complained who is even not playing on the same server as we do.
We had no problems, issues or anything else with the playerbase on roberts.