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  1. #1

    Allies drehen am Rad?

    Bei der morgendlichen Lektüre des .com Forums zwei interessante Sachen gefunden.

    Some allieds (we found one AHC doing it too) are using a lame tactic to attrit our forces during defence/attack operations. they switch side and :

    -Spawn Pz/sappers or even lmgs/smgs/grenadiers at a camped AB / fb and get killed on purpose to attrit our pool.

    -Spawn planes (mostly 111s / 110fb / 109 F4 and higher) at Afs and crash them within 30 secs.

    -Spawn sappers and other valuable units at Msps and get MIA within 30 secs to attrit our forces.

    Two allieds are already reported to CRS for doing this lame tactic, which is damaging Pb too. One of them is AHC.

    Please, according to these facts, check any ppl spawning planes in an Af and crashing them several times. It might b newbies, but, for exemple, the guy we found today doing this, was a 2001 player...So ANY suspicious fact should b reported to CRS...

    MSPs too are to b watched (hard i know) and camped Abs with ppl spawning Pz/Atgs/sappers when its reported camped...Especially when u Pm them and they continue spawning for dying...

    If possible, report name to CRS immediately, so they can check whats happening fast...

    Also, checking stats, for exemple, is very usefull...(when not hidden).

    The two lamers we found have already attrited more than one HUNDRED units of good stuff... incredible...



    böse böse Allies :/


    Allies haben nen Army Forum separat vom .com

    A thread was made in secure suggesting that someone make a forum that is private from CRS servers dedicated to Allied discussions and planning. 23rd now has a division set up on our forums for this if you would like to join.

    Visit and look for the Allied Army section within our forums. Feel free to register and discuss as you wish. There is also a secure forum that will be used for players that are dedicated Allied-only players, squad COs/XOs, etc.

    We will be running this section as long as there is interest in it and people continue to use it. For now, it is up as a test to see how it goes. If all goes well, it will stay, otherwise we'll go back to relying on the Allied and Secure forums here.
    Back to the roots?

  2. #2
    Auwei, da muss ich ja aufpassen, ab sofort werden wohl alle '2001' player unter die Lupe genommen.

  3. #3
    Generalmajor Avatar von waraeger
    Registriert seit
    schweine! sofort kicken und standrechtlich erschiessen! leider ist die kugel dafür zu schade!
    aber was will man von allies halt erwarten!

    Вперед товарищи!! Убей их всех!!!

  4. #4
    Kriegsberichterstatter Avatar von Tribun76
    Registriert seit
    Naja, ich kann mir auch so manchen Honk auf Achsenseite vorstellen, der so nen Unsinn zu Werke bringen könnte. Wer sowas macht, der hat wirklich den Sinn dieser Freizeitbeschäftigung bzw. dieses genialen Spiels nicht verstanden.

  5. #5
    pff der AHCler ist soweit ich weiss dieser Affe von Lutenint, der war sogarmal CO der 27.1 bei uns.

    Naja was macht CRS denn? damals war ein AHCler der sich als LMG IN bestimmte ally Panzer gestellt hat <ging beim Stu und s35 afaik> und von dort drinnen die Sapper abgeschossen hat die die Panzer sappen wollten.
    Den hab ich mehrmals gemeldet per report, hab Greni sogar BILDER geschickt wo drinnen zu sehen war, daßß der da geclippt hat....
    tja der war und ist immer noch im AHC.. soviel zu CRS-Cheat-Politik

  6. #6
    solange die axen seite trozdem gewinnt machen die doch eh fast nix


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