Zitat Zitat von eneky
Also vor 1.3 sollten die Agencies mal ordentlich aufräumen, damit wir unter der 150 Mitglieder-Marke bleiben.
(das mit dem 150 ist - mindestens temporär - wieder vom tisch)

THe following three items have been **REMOVED** from the AvA Design:

• Hexes may no longer be transferred between Agencies.
• All members of your Strikeforce must now been within your Alliance.
• Alliances will also have a cap of 150 players, meaning that you can have one Agency with 150 players, or, for example, three agencies in an alliance, each with 50 players. If the 150-player cap is met on an Alliance, the Alliance will be automatically disbanded.

This means:

1) Hexes can be xferred (as you can today)
2) Your strikeforce can contain non-alliance members
3) No cap on Alliance size. Continued cap on Agency size of 150.