Here is some feedback on the thread and what we already have planned:

* Vendors will sell weapons/armor with fixed stats (although these stats may not be visible until you purchase them due to implementation time, but they will always be the same)

* Several adjustments have been made. Matchmaker will not force a 50/50% but it will setup a match to be as fair as possible between the two sides.
* The matchmade Qs are being split to 10-29 and 30+ for more fair sides
* An option will be put to only enter a match with no teams

* We are increasing the number of winners to the top 10 agencies. (top agency will get one reward and the other 9 will get a different reward). The rewards are all cosmetic for now.

* Different PvE mission levels are available. Solo and Team co-op are separated.
* New higher difficulty (and lower) have been created for both solo and co-op
* Rewards are adjusted for the number of players in the mission (less players higher chances for better rewards)

Post 1.3A, hopefully 1.3B

Openzone with quests which should help new players learn about the global agenda and the world they are engaged in.

Warzones for larger battles

Tournaments for structured teamplay

New PvE missions

* More components for crafting and more items to craft are in the plans
* Salvage of unneeded weapon/armor for high end components for crafting
* Crafted Consumable items that can be bought/sold

* In the future we will allow for other fixed stats weapons/armor. Probably with crafting and some special drops.

Agency Leveling (virtual HQs)
* A variety of system are being put in place to allow for agencies to level up using all the various game play modes available in GA. More on that latter.