ein paar interessante infos:

The loot table are designed to give each player a weapon/armor drop at the end of a successful mission (both PvP and PvE).

We make sure that you get loot that's right for your class, but other then that it will be a random item and random stats (although all the stats will be valid for that item)

Different levels of PvE mission difficulties have the same drops, but very different drop rates. For example, low has 1% chance at epic, while high is 5% and DA is much higher at about 25% (not all finalized)

Weapons and Armor (which did not exist before) is bound. Crafting loot and mods (which replace upgrades) can still be bought/sold on the auction house.

We also plan to add additional crafting items in the future.

The total difference between the base weapon and an epic weapon with epic mods is a max of about 20% more damage (or other type of stats) for the same generation of weapon (we only have one generation out at this point but a next gen weapon will probably be about 7-10% better)

The current mats (which everyone should save up if you can) will be directly converted to the mats needed to create the new weapon/armor mods. There is no loss on those so save up on them and you can create as many mods as you want after the new update.

The issue with converting the current upgrades is that we don't have a 1 to 1 path to give players an equal item. If we had enough time we could probably exchange the current upgrades back to components but that requires a lot of dev work.

You can fly 'forward' with the new jetpack if you jump, start to drop a bit and then press the space bar again.

und noch was über die items:

# Common items unlock at the appropriate level for that weapon.
# Uncommon items unlock at the appropriate level for that weapon, and offer 1 randomly generated benefits ( [X] )
# Rare items unlock at the appropriate level for that weapon and offer 2 randomly generated benefits ( [XX] )
# Epic items unlock at level 30 and offer 3 randomly generated benefits ( [XXX] )
# At level 30 Mercenary tokens can be used to purchase Epic level items which are functionally the same as the base item and have their benefits ( [XXX] ) randomly generated at time of purchase.
# All items have the same amount of mods imprintable to them.
# The difference then between a common weapon and a epic weapon is only the ( [ XXX] ) benefits