Patch 0.200 Patchnotes:

cRPG mod:
- snow instead of rain on snow maps
- cap archery wpf to real wpf
- change bows to cutting
- item maintenance, breaking
- change the income to xp per minute
- figure out new wpf formula (test with different builds)
- after death, trigger the equipment screen
- auto refreshing when stuff breaks - also, when you buy equipment or update your skills. checks while it sends the bonus.
- fix xp bar (calculate gen bonus ingame)
- strategus: check bows for difficulty - checking all items in all gamemodes now in the server, nothing done on the website any more
- add a message "xyz, owner of abc castle" when he joins the game'
- add male/female to DB and send the info ingame
- fix spectators being assigned to teams and getting xp/gold bonus
- update player with ingame screen
- store admin commands (kick, map change...) in server log
- fix bug with whistle when joining in a middle of a match
- rework weight nerf, make it work in %
- added optional level limit for servers - it's using the battle_earnings_multiplier if you are > you will be forced spec.
- added autobalance by banner (autobalance value to 2)
- added autobalanceless mode (set to 0)
- normal autobalance = 1
- the multiplicator will only rise if the losers team AB score is at least 70% of the winners
- added a rudimentary voice chat
- fix halfswording instaswitching
- reset siege objects after each round