"The next step is the Dogfighting Module, which is due at the end of the year. “You’ll be able to take your ships, you go out of your hanger and you go into space, and you fight against other players, or AI, in this sort of deathmatch setup. So it doesn’t have the story that we’re going to have, it doesn’t have a big sandbox universe. But we’re going to use it to balance the combat, we’re going to use it to do technical stress testing — like, how many people we can have in one area of space,” Roberts says."

And then next year we’re going to have the planetside module, which is where you walk around the planet, go to the bar, get missions, talk/interact with other players, you buy equipment and stuff like that.

And then we’ll have the shipboarding module, which is the first person combat when you board another ship.

And then we’ll have the alpha single player story.

Then we’ll have the alpha of the full game.”
