Stuermer Elevated To Captain

After recent success on the front, German Air Force officials have have noticed Stuermer's command presence among the troops. As a result, he has been promoted to the rank of Captain in the German Air Force. Stuermer's initiative and prowess in combat are an example



Fighting Spirit Shown by Stuermer

Word came back from the frontline today that Stuermer killed 3 French units in a combat mission that lasted 13 minutes. After outsmarting and eliminating his opponents in a desperate battle he was posted as Killed in Action

These are the kinds of inspirational feats on the field of battle that spur our boys on to victory !



Stuermer's Recent Effort Stands Out

Stuermer was recently recognized by German military officials after an outstanding performance in a mission against the enemy. That mission resulted in Killed in Action.

During this mission, Stuermer had 3 kills and hit French forces at least 4 times. This mission lasted 13 minutes.

This noble effort by Stuermer will not go un-noticed.

ich glaube ich bin in der Luft besser zu sehen als am boden :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :twisted:

den 3er kill hab ich 4mal in verschiedener ausführung geschicktz bekommen und den 3er kill und 4mal damaged 2 mal geschickt.... aber beides genau 13min, ist mir gestern garnet aufgefallen. ist wohl die ungefähre flugzeit nach lymphe :twisted: