Lindir plant eine neue Szenario Reihe ( bevor ihr fragt kostet nichts).
Die einzelnen Szenarien sollen dabei in lockerer Reihenfolge jeweils Samstags Abends stattfinden. Das erste Szenario ist ein only INF Event, liest sich eigentlich alles ganz gut.
Wenn wir 8-10 Mann zusammenkriegen könnten wir eine Einheit füllen, habt ihr Interesse? Die Finnen und die KGW sind schon auf Axis Seite dabei, bei den Allies siehts noch etwas mau aus.

Hi guys,

Some of you may remember or have even participated in the past to some Realism Events. We will start again a serie of Realism Events in a few weeks.

The realism Events are little Scenarios on the training server with specific rules. One of the most important rule in those scenarios is that you only have 1 life.
If you die no matter how, you can't come back in the Scenario.

The equipment is limited, there are limitations on the type of unit you can spawn. And all vehicles must be multicrewed.

There are also surrender rules and a point based system.

In the incoming Scenario the Axis Forces will be attackers and the Allied will have to defend the Army Ressources in a Tank(Supply Crates, Gaz Tanks, Factories etc...).

The date is not set yet, but it will most likely happen a Saturday

GMT: 18h to 22h (London time)
GMT+1: 19h to 23h (Paris time)

Dallas Time: 12h to 16h

In the past those Events were taking place on Thursdays in Euro Friendly hours, this time we will try to make them accessible for all.

If you are a Squad Leader feel free to contact me if you want your squad to participate.

This is to show you how the equipment can be limited. It can be changed after a few scenarios. Some Squads that have managed to survive several scenarios can get special load outs and see their Unit rated.

Some players can get the status of Hero when they do special actions and survive. Apparition of a Hero in a unit increase it's rating. However the Hero must stay alive even in the following scenarios.

If your Unit loose its Co and Xo the unit is concidered disbanded and loose its status. The unit will be able to play again but as an "Unexperienced" unit.

Think of the series of Event as a little campaign. Anyone can participate. If you have questions feel free to ask them below.


Überfinns Perkele: Elite (30+ Scenarios)(1 Hero)
KGW: Conscript (0 Scenarios)


3DLM: Conscript (0 Scenarios)

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Allied Forces regrouped an important part of their Front Line Supply in a town near the Front. A few kilometers from there the Axis forces managed to break through and they are sending a Task Force to Destroy this supply.
Expected resistance is Light no heavy weapon.


More image replace the number at the end up to 23


Points per Objective destroyed
Factory : 40
Gaz Tank : 10
Station : 30
Tents : 10
Harbor : 25
Bridge : 50 (Town bridge only)
Allied Captain KIA = 100 pts
Allied Sgt KIA = 50 pts
Allied Cpl = 20 pts
Allied Radio Operator = 10 pts
Allied LMG = 10 pts
Special units = Results at the end of the Event

50% Axis units destroyed = 300 pts
75% Axis units destroyed = 500 pts
90% " " = 600 pts
Axis Captain KIA = 100 pts
Axis Sgt KIA = 50 pts
Axis Cpl = 20 pts
Axis Radio Operator = 10 pts
Axis LMG = 10 pts
Special Units = Results at the end of the Event


*)One Life only
*)When you die send a PM to the GM "Hrotten Axis SMG dead by Rifleman" giving more details will give the AAR more flavor.
*)Do not shoot prisonners (some units may surrender)
*)You can't despawn/respawn

Surrender rules:

Why surrender ?
Realism Events are about realism and fear of death, it was necessary to implement this aspect. For more Role Play and add a special flavor. In the past the Axis even managed to capture a Multicrewed Vickers.

What happen when I surrender ?
You must stop immediatly to fight, send a PM to the GameMaster of your side saying you surrender. GM will reply to you and confirm that you can despawn now. Your name will be added to the Surrender List, even if you get killed right after your PM. You must despawn right after GM confirmation or you'll be kicked.

*)Gives back a secret number of points to their side.
*)Gives an Experience boost to the captures Unit.

If Gunther surrender and Pvt Wesley is the closest the POW Bonus is given to Westley unit.

POWs take more sense when we track individual Careers, but this will happen only later when we will have more GMs and a bigger core group of players.

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Leaders Ranks[b]
Squads must register to the Event(you must contact to register).

New squads are ranked
Co: Sergeant
Xo: Corporal

To gain rank they must survive to multiple scenarios and have a bit of success.

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There is no easy way to become a Hero, GM are observing the Action from the Sky and if they notice someone behaving very well during the action and survive they can give this status to a Soldier. However he will loose it as soon as he dies. If a Unit loose a Hero they instantly loose an Experience Rank.

In previous Events Allied had a Hero call P22a45 he survived to 14 Events and never died. And he was not a coward.

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A new unit or a disbanded unit always start "Conscript". If their Co/Xo/Radio survive multiple events and their unit behave well on the field they can gain Experience.
