wurde im 4.pd offiziersclub forum gepostet,ich dachte ich kopiers hier mal rein damit ihr seht was man von uns hält.
ich möchte nicht den ganzen post hier rein kopieren weil er nicht so interessant ist, nur die 2 post von TO:

para you'll never bother me ,
and i can say with much confidence that you don't bother anyone in 4th PZ.

i sometimes get the feeling that you don't realize how much you ,wolfsrudel and the 7thID mean to the 4th PZ.
you guys are the backbone of the div .
i don't make that statment lightly and i don't mean to take anything away from the U.S players when i say it.
well boxer i know your kidding but i should explain more .

7th ID is one of the original squads placed in 4th pz after the reorg.along with DDZ ,DHBand the 88th

after that reorg 4th PZ was the weakest div in the axis army ,the red headed step child if you will.
our US player base was limited.
but our euro guys (7thID)were always there to save our butts.{and still do}no matter how bad we screwed up.
in our tug of war with the allies they were our anchor man.

since then we have grown ,we still might be red headed {black sheep for the color blind}but were no longer the stepchild.
since then we have gained some very talented squads 1775th,24thPb and wolfsrudel.
still it should come to know ones suprise that were still outnumbered by the allies during US TZ.and the biggest safety that we have is the knolledge that that no matter how bad things get wolfsrudel and 7th ID are there to save the day