server ging um 1uhr down mit der aussage das er nur 30-45min down ist.
um 2.30uhr war er dann up :evil:

hier die intermission

Sorry to all for the lateness of this, been wrestling all bloody day with lots of issues to do with getting everything squared away for intermission, and a few problems that jumped in just to say hello and drive us all as mad as cut snakes.

We had to change plans mid-stream because of some things. We kind threw this together on the fly whilst dealing with all the issues and a recaltrant host and about 5 different host tools open all of which require a freaking translator to read what with our crazy a55 brigade names and then there's the ... well you know what I mean. B]

Here's what we're doing.

The map has a huge rip of uncapturable towns through it in the north between the Germans and the British. That's because this little intermission is about the Meuse River Valley. This line of uncapturable towns will help focus movement where it counts.

The basic deal is this.

At the close of intermission midday Friday, or maybe Friday morning when we get to work (noon is always a good guess for when we'll have everything ready to go, that gives us about 3 hours for solving stuff that pops up) ... whichever side holds the most Meuse River towns (that number would be 9) will be the winner. No qualifiers, no minor/major countback comparisons, just good old who got 9 or more and held them and who didn't. There are 17 river towns at the start of intermission, from Namur to Verdun.

Tanks are in short supply compared to infantry, although there are more of them at the start than you are used to seeing, their supply has been reduced, it takes much longer for auto resupply to get you a new one. So if you hang onto yours you'll do better than if you lose it quickly. Sappers have been reduced to less than half their usual number, but ATR's and ATG's are well in excess of what you normally see. change the focus up a litle and see how it goes. We expect with longer supply times on tanks that they will be all over the place at first, then trickle off as the get killed. There are a LOT of ATG's and ATRs in your lists, and some sappers just not as much as everything else, Look after them, get some paratroops flown in if you get desperate.

Only tanks and aircraft from the very first days of the Battle of France are available. Lots of them but all early stuff, and all on extended resupply cycles. When they are gone, they take way longer to come back.

There is a naval setup in the northern area, in the Zeeland channel leading out of Antwerp, where the navy guys can play and rank up as they wish. In addition, thereis an airfield "face off" between the RAF and the Luftwaffe between Knokke/Vlissingen ... you know how that works. B]

We have included a WHOLE BUNCH OF PARATROOPS that you can fly in to assist in the bridge battles, damage and rebuilding, and to assist any shortfall of sappers compared to the rest of your infantry, which is boosted because we expect huge infantry operations with the variable supply (first time we've added that to the mix) experiment on the tanks. The paratroop deployments are 1 north and 1 south for the Germans, and 1 each for the British and French.

Bombers are restrictedto the lighter CAS varients. Damned Stukas (hah ! B) for the Germans, a few extra 500 pounder Blens for the Allies as they aren't as effective as Stukas.

We have "turned off Bertrix" so that it doesn't oversupply the Meuse Valley too quickly with aircraft. Etain faces Montfaucon so that works well.

Have at it and have fun. It's a bit of an experiment but it should be a good fight. Hammer and tongs fellas, get in there and rip them a new one.

ps:für unsere lw leute nur 110 und stukas :wink:
fürs heer nur tier0 pz