
Below are the initial orders for Campaign 55.


Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Communication
Operation Order
SECURITY LEVEL: Confidential - Suitable for Secure Squad Forums
From: Feldmarschall Imarock, Wehrmacht CO
Armee: Heer, KM, and Luftwaffe and their subordinate units

Operation Name: SHE'S GOTTA HAVE IT....AGAIN!
Operation Type: Attack,
Operation Target: Campaign #55 Initial Moves
Start Date: September 04, 2009
Start Time: O/A 18:00 Western Europe (GMT)
Operation Text Channel: TBD

Operation Objective:

INITIAL AO's and plan of attack;

*AO on Namur (P1), 16th ID, 17th ID, and 3rd PD will go after this town, cap it, and move in. Simultaneous AO on Gembloux (P2).

*AO on Longwy (P3), 2nd PD will attack Longwy, but it is not to be over committed too. NAMUR is the P1 and will be the main focus of our initial moves.

*AO for towns in the far south for soft cap towards Metz (P4).

Operational Guidance:

We are trying something different this campaign. We are going to meet the enemy where they have traditionally been the strongest and counter their strength with our own. NAMUR is our main objective. By taking that town we gain a strong advantage in the center and with follow up attacks we can effectively cut the Allied army in two and prevent them from mutually supporting themselves.

Once Namur and/or Gembloux is taken, continue to buffer Namur by attacking and capturing Sambreville and Profondeville. In doing so we will force the enemy to go as far west as Charleroi in order to move north and south. That will be a HUGE disadvantage for the Allies.

Once Namur is buffered, our intention is to keep attacking south until the Central Meuse River line is captured down to Sedan. Once Sedan is captured the possibility of the Southern Cutoff appears.

And of course, a powerful start is a morale boost to Axis in order to keep the momentum going from 54.

On order, be prepared to shift units if the Allies place two divisions in the Antwerp area and attack out of that city. If this happens, keep the 33rd ID AND 4TH PD IN FRONT of the enemy until help can arrive. If you have to give up territory to do so, then give it up. Do not allow the 33rd ID to be pinned against either Willemstad/Moerdijk or the Albert Kanal.

On order be prepared to respond to an enemy push in the South. We have two divisions to cover the South, but having been burned in the north and the center this past campaign it is always possible that the Allies will try something different as well.


Main Force
Comprised of: Armee Abteilung Nord
OIC: Generaloberst Lafleur
Text Channel: 10, Ops
Primary Objective: Defend the North and Center down to Aarschot.
Secondary Objective: Support the KM as needed should the Allies head north to attack Willemstad or Breda. Mirror their moves.

Support Force A
Comprised of: Armee Abteilung Namur
OIC: Generaloberst Tmanusa
Text Channel: 10, Ops
Primary Objective: NAMUR!
Secondary Objective: Buffer Namur, then head south!

Support Force B
Comprised of: Armee Abteilung Sud
OIC: Generalleutnant Ch53guni
Text Channel: TBD
Primary Objective: Drive south to Metz, than advance west to Etain and Verdun. Close up the southern Meuse River line. If needed request a KM unit from the KM OIC for an attack on Sierck Les Bains should the opportunity arise to do so.
Secondary Objective: Once Metz and Etain are capture, attack the area from Sedan to Montmedy and force a gap in the enemy line, the drive south to Buzancy through to Clermont en Argonne.



Command, Control, and Communications: Primary communications for actual operations will be the Ops channel, supported by 10. Primary voice communications will be the Heer Meeting Room TS channel. ALL Heer officers will also tune Channel 33, which has been designated the Squad Cooperation Channel. If you have to discard a text channel to accommodate 33, discard Side Channel. The Squaddies and Squad leadership of 1775th RDF, Windhund, The Iron Wolves, and the 505th Heavy Tank Battalion will be monitoring Channel 33 and attempting to operate as a synchronized unit. We’re still in the baby steps stage of this effort so some fits and starts can be expected.

General Orders for the OKW:

1) Always remember "HOME FIRST!" Armee staffs hammer home to your officers that "HOME FIRST!” is a rule to live by. NO NINJA CAPS! Own your FBs! If the enemy has to fight for their FBs, they can’t conduct effective attacks.

2) Place smart AO's; Attack whole divisions where we are stronger. Don't let up. Pound them into the Stone Age.

3) Overstocking: Run regular overstocking and resupply missions to the KG's. Place Division Hqs so as to enable them to readily provide overstocking missions. Overstock missions are better run in the morning hours of US Primetime/mid-day hours of EURO timezones. Resupply tickets to the Divisional Hqs should start coming in to replace the overstock items to the KGs seven hours later. This makes additional resources available for AOs and DO's in EURO and US Primetime.

4) Keep up with the communications. Contact squad leaders for major attacks. Get everyone involved to make it fun for the player base. Channel 33 has been designated the Squad Cooperation Channel. Tune it and use it.

5) Rotate flags for major attacks. Keep HQ's and armored flags off the front as much as possible.

6) Branch units are to be maneuvered to the benefit of the entire map. No Branch unit will be moved without the permission of the Senior Branch Officer in game. In the event of disputes, the RO has final say over the movement of ALL units.

Concluding Comments: If history is any lesson, the Rats usually take down the server o/a 0900, CDT/1400 GMT for campaign resets and the campaign begins o/a 1200-1500 CDT/1700-2000 GMT. Let’s start this campaign with renewed vigor and optimism. We know what went right the last two campaigns and what is needed to stop and drive back the Allies. Let’s have more of the same for Campaign #55!

Additionally, the Allied CINC, Greatone, is a known proponent of the "Center Push" to Liege. It is quite possible that we are setting up for one of the biggest battles in Battleground Europe history. So let's be a part of gaming history!

See you on the battlefield!

Your most obedient servant

VR, Generalstabsofficier Csm308