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Oberkommando des Heer Communication

SECURITY LEVEL: Confidential - Suitable for Secure Squad Forums

From: Generalmajor loewe75, Kommandeur der 9. Panzerdivision
Heersgruppe: B
Armee: 18,
Korps: XXXIX,
Division: 9,

Operation Name: Huy Attack
Operation Type: Attack,
Operation Target: Capture of Huy
Start Date: Mar/12/2004
Start Time: 20:30 Europe (GMT +1)
Operation Text Channel: 91
Operation Objective: Attack and cap Huy to build a Stronghold at the River.
NOTE: All members of 9th should, if possible, help with resupply when they log into game.

Main Force
Comprised of: 9th PD KG1
OIC: loewe75
Spawn Point: Ramet-Huy FB
Rally Point: Ramet-Huy FB
Text Channel: 91
Primary Objective: Enemy FB up: Suppress enemy FB while resupply is otw. Kill as much as possible enemys at FB. Don't blow FB until Resupply from SF A and 88s from SF B are in position. Our FB up: Get into def position around FB. Try to hold indies back from attacking town.
Secondary Objective: Defend Huy after Cap

Support Force A
Comprised of: 9th PD KG2
OIC: loewe75
Spawn Point: Nandrin / Liege
Rally Point: Nandrin / Liege
Text Channel: 91
Primary Objective: Resupply Ramet from Nandrin / Liege S AB before attack starts at 20.30 Berlin Time.
Secondary Objective:
Join Main Force when attack is starting.

Support Force B
Comprised of: 9th PD KG1
Spawn Point: Nandrin AB
Rally Point: Nandrin AB
Text Channel: 91
Primary Objective: Need at least 2-3 88s supported by 1-2 Inf/PZ from Nandrin to seize SE / S hill huy. We can control the whole town from there.
Secondary Objective:

Links for Visual Aids, Recon and AI Maps:

Concluding Comments:
Teamwork is the key gents! When we manage to get resupply running and attack huy while 88s are in pos this is a easy 1 to cap. Remember: SUPPRESS the enemy FB when it's up. DON'T destroy it. It's a legal tactic to do this when we are planning to blow the FB.[/b]