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Thema: X3 - reunion

  1. #21
    There was a poll about a feature most wanted for X4, if there's ever going to be one (linky), Factions and Corporations was one option and I presume that would be closest to your idea.

    Ai niin, täytyisikö keskustella suomeksi :wink:

  2. #22
    For the 1st time I've actually had time to play this game properly, six ship fleet I have now, been keeping the amount of loose cash floating around 1 milj cr. Slowly expanding my empire, have been a pure merchant only, killed a few pirates for reputation purposes only. But I have to start hiring Sector Traders/Universal Traders, manual remote trading seems to take all of my time now. Just finished putting a satellite in every known sector in my game. Anyway, this is getting more and more interesting as I get hang of it, slowly but surely I believe it's game day eight (actually it's day five*), I just continued the game I started when I got the box, lots of senseless fooling around, must have missed a lot of profitable business opportunities that exist only in the beginning, but I don't care 8)

    [edit] *) checked the game day

  3. #23
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    sweet =)

    nots sure how many ships I have now.

    out of my mind: two heavy argon battlecruisers (scharnhorst and gneisenau) 8)

    two heavy split battlecruisers (bismarck and tirpitz) 8)

    two collussus carriers (graf zeppelin and seydlitz)

    this special M7 destroyer (Prinz Eugen)

    several corvettes-mostly argon zentaurs (blücher, admiral hipper, admiral scheer etc.etc.)

    each of my two carriers carries the maximum of fighters (40 each iirc) - the paranid M3 usually (I build them on my own meanwhile (to fly them by your own isnt very exciting since it has such a small freelaod - but for carrier service its perfekt and my favorite)

    Ive also around 30 sector guards (M3+) in service.

    but unfortunatelly it makes less sence to move into combat with the full force since it ends as a horrorible diashow if both sides have dozends of cruisers and 100+ fighters in combat in one sector
    thats one of the biggest weakpoints of X3.

    I do it anyway from time to time. of course those battles leasts then several hours but well... nothing can match those space battles. star wars is pipifax compared to that lol

  4. #24
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    btw: in those battles I move my arse into my fighter as well. thats more fun instead watching the space battle out of the bridge from the tirpitz =)

    and to land on a carrier to get new ammo all 20 minutes adds some kewl atmosphere no doubt. :silly:

    another tip:

    if you ever are ready to invade a xenon sector:

    take care of your carriers - even the collossus class with their amount of shields and weapons cant stand in such battles longer than one hour.

    you could let them stay away from the combat though but the last time Ive nearly lost one carrier (to repair them took 30 RL hours and took around 20 million cash or somewhat). 20 to 30 xenon fighters breached my fighter coverage and tried to destroy one of my babies :shock:

    meanwhile If I invade a xenon sector I let the carriers hyperjump out of the sector after they have unleashed their fighters and let them only jump back to refitt the fighters with new rockets etc. - then jump away agan and so on and so on

  5. #25
    Cool names your ships have!

    Well I've tried to stay out of the pirate and xenon sectors (have not even mapped them yet) as I'm about to begin ST/UT, so they don't wonder around there and get themselves killed, at least that's the theory. I don't possess the fire power needed to clean them, yet.

    Reps with all the races are getting higher with a steady pace, well all except Goner (1% progress LOL).

    The satellites are quite handy, but it's quite frustrating that you can't access the satellite best selling price locator from a remote ships point of view, instead it just tells the info in relation to cargo of the current ship, which in most cases quite different. At least in my case as I usually am in a M5 flying criss-cross the known universe "supervising" .

    All and all, it is true what they say, to earn the 1st mil is one of the hardest job to do, without a major frustration that is.

    Btw, does your rig experience a hiccup in performance when you enter Ore Belt or Argon Prime?

  6. #26
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    Ive no performance problems in argon prime or ore belt (or just a bit in ore belt). But Ive really issues in sectors where I have 30+ factories

    Regarding xenon sectors: Beware. The first time I invaded with full force a xenon sector I suffered heavy losses and a defeat. I was that overwhelmed by the epic struggle that Ive completely forgotten to monitor my ships etc.

    Once I got aware I had already lost my flagship (general wallenstein), three corvettes and around 20 fighters (ok doesnt matter hehe).
    The other big ships had also already weak shields.

    I was forced to order a immediate jump command to my fleet to leave the sector with all my fighters (without hypersjump) left behind :? (no time to have them docked back to my carriers.

    Around 60 of my fighters were still in combat, I could hear them screaming and blaming me once my big ships jumped away hehe .

    The half of them made it out of the sector by their own escaping through the jump gate but the other ones... well. A lot Iron crosses to be awarded afterward.... For the fatherland

    Since this defeat I jump into the attacked sector at first, launching all nasty rockets (firestorm etc.) to inflict serious damage, then get in distance with my afterburner and wait for the arrival of my fleet (around 3 minutes delay).

    Once they arrive and start the combat I order my reserve-wing to jump into the sector: Gefechtsverband Kuhlmey Atm 12 of those heavy M3+ Schlachtflieger with 125mj shields.
    I have them in formation to me equipped with hornisses and other good rockets. We pick enemy crippling cruisers once they have a side by side infight with our cruisers and divebomb the crapp out of them :twisted:

    btw: What I really hate is a obviously missed command: For your carriers.
    Why the hell is no command to have them all their fighters started at once?
    You need to lauch them all one by one via order (makes 80 commands with two carriers) or to order the carrier to attack.
    But then it only launch their fighters in waves once the carrier is in battle. That takes 5 minutes until all fighters are in space. Stupid.

  7. #27
    Well my rig has some obvious pbs with Argon Prime, hope my new vid card solves some of those. As I'm forced to use AGP vid cards there's not a lot of options available, so I ended up buying a GF7800GS 256Mb. The one it's replacing is GF6800GT 256Mb, the fan of the cooling unit is acting funny, making funny noises and the core temperaru is quite high occationally, but the good news is it's still under warranty (noticed it after having already bought the new one ... oh well lose some win some).

    Excellent name for your special group 8)

    Talking about factories, check this complex! Yikes, here are the details

    Stations: 401
    GPPC (x 110)
    AFAA (x 17)
    BFAA (x 17)
    1 GJ Shields (x 12)
    and all supporting factories/asteroids.

    Cost: 2.8 billion
    Profit per hour: 28 million
    Time to build: 7 game days

    It's not mine, I took the details from egosoft forum. The owner of this complex saif the fps is around 4 close to it

    Have you installed the bonus pack? I haven't yet, decided to try the game first with out any scripts.

  8. #28
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    bonus pack is a MUST. especially if you have more than a handfull factories. you can operate several factories just with ONE!! trader ship.

    the moskito-rocket-countermeasures is also very nice (not only for your own fighter also for your big ships later. with this rocket system you can have all batteries focusing on the enemies. no need to have few of them ordered to counter incoming missles. the moskito system handles them. my battleships carries up to 200 moskitos just for that job).

    I have two mega komplexes (not that big like your reference but big enough for me - 20 to 30 factories each), and a half dozend smaller komplexes (with three to 6 factories in each). I operates them all with just and only ~12 trader ships (selling, moving stuff from one komplexe to another one, etc.).

    I have a self operating economy. Just with a few traders due to the new scripts. Great stuff.

  9. #29
    Well guess I have to take a closer look to the contents of the bonus pack then.

    Dang, I was wondering why there isn't even a single medium shield factory in the Argon system (or anywhere close to it). I have been looking for 25 MJ shields and all the facilities that list this item, never even have a single for sale. Then I noticed I have a sector (Cloudbase SE) totally unmapped, and there was one :? . This is a fine example why one needs some kind of a plan, preferably along with a written note, on how to progress.

  10. #30
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    yeah =)
    of course I build 25MJ shields on my own. three factories or somewhat.

    i use them of course for my carrier based fighters and the overstocking is for sale.

    I build all weapons and shields which I need for my fleet. Besides that Iam the weapon and equipment manufacturer no. 1 for the argon military =)

    I have also a schnapps and beer complex :shock: (called hacker pschorr werke lol) and a drug complex in the Teladi empire. a lot junkies and pirates there and the argon government dont care since this complex is not in their territory.

    Ill write my factories and comlexes down this evening to give you a overview what I have.


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