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Thema: X3 - reunion

  1. #31
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    Last time I played X3 was on 06. dec. 2006

    The Argon Collossus Carrier can carry 60 fighters (40 was wrong).

    Anyway here my corrected actuall Forces:

    Big Ships:

    2x Argon Titan Battlecruisers (Scharnhorst and Gneisenau)
    2x Split Battlecruisers (Bismarck and Tirpitz)
    2x Collossus Carriers (Graf Zeppelin and Seydlitz)
    1x M7 Destroyer (Prinz Eugen)
    4x Corvettes: (Blücher, Admiral Hipper, Admiral Scheer, Andreas Hofer)


    Carrier Based (Graf Zeppelin)
    Jagdgeschwader 1 (12x Argon Buster M4)
    Jagdgeschwader 2 (12x Paranid Perseus M3)
    Schlachtgeschwader 76 (8x Teladi Falke M3)
    Gefechtsverband Posch (9x Mixed Unit)

    Carrier Based (Seydlitz)
    Jagdgeschwader 3 (10x Argon Buster M4)
    Jagdgeschwader 4 (12x Paranid Perseus M3)
    Schlachtgeschwader 77 (9x Teladi Falke M3)
    Gefechtsverband Bergen (10x Mixed Unit)

    Stationed in my HQ (Linie der Energy):
    Gefechtsverband Kuhlmey (12x Mixed Unit) with Hyperjump
    Schnellkampfgeschwader 101 (8x Argon Nova M3) with Hyperjump
    Erprobungsgruppe 200 (8x Captured Xenon L/Xenon LX)


    Sector: Antigone Memorial

    Rüstungswerk III
    2x Beta PBK
    1x Alpha EPW
    1x Flakbatterie
    2x Projektilkanonen
    1x gamma PIK
    1x Quantumröhren
    1x Mikrochips
    1x Comutercomponenten
    1x Geschütztumfabrik
    1x Energy L
    1x Energy XL
    7x Argnus L
    7x Cahoona L
    2x Erz L
    1x Silizium L
    7x Kristall L

    Sector: Argon Prime

    Rüstungswerk I
    1x 1MJ Shields
    2x 125MJ Shields
    1x Moskito Rockets
    1x Hummel Rockets
    1x Munitionsfabrik

    Rüstungswerk II
    1x Beta ISE
    1x Flackgeschütz
    1x Beta PS
    1x 1GJ Shields
    1x Libelle Rocket

    Sector: Dunkle Wasser

    Rüstungszentrum Süd
    1x Beta PBK
    1x Alpha EPW
    1x Flakbatterie
    2x Gama PIK
    2x Teladianum
    2x Weizen L
    1x Energy XL
    3x Ranch L
    3x Cahoona L
    1x Erz L
    1x Silizium L
    4x Kristall M

    Sector: Herrons Nebel

    Rüstungswerk IV
    1x Alpha PBK
    2x Beta EPW
    1x Gamma SWG
    2x Beta PIK
    2x 5MJ Shields
    2x 25MJ Shields
    1x Hornisse Rockets
    1x Energy XL
    1x Energy L
    4x Soyfarm L
    4x Soyerei L
    2x Erz L
    1x Silizium L
    5x Kristall M

    Sector: Polarstern

    Rüstungszentrum Ost
    1x Flageschütz
    1x Flakbatterie
    1x 1GJ Shields
    3x Mikrochips
    2x Energy XL
    4x Bogas L
    4x Bofu L
    1x Erz L
    2x Silizium L
    7x Kristall M

    Sector: Zuflucht des Patriachen

    Energywerke Nordost
    1x Energy XL
    1x Erz L
    1x Silizium L
    3x Chelt L
    3x Rastar L
    5x Kristall M

    Sector: Heimat des Lichts

    Hacker Pschorr
    4x Raumsprit L
    2x Weizen M
    3x Weizen L
    1x Energy L

    Other smaller Complexes (max 4 factories):

    Sector Familie Nyj (Teladianum)
    Sector Erzgürtel (Erz and Silizium)
    Sector Menelaus Grenze (Weizen)
    Sector Ringo Mond (Plankton, Weizen and Rheime)
    Sector Teladi Profit (Stuff =)

  2. #32
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    bah. stupid me. Ive figured out how to launch all fighers from a carrier at once. the key is not the carrier, the solution is the jafü hehe
    chose one landed ship (the jagdfliegerführer =), open his console and you will find a option "order to all landed ships".

    think Ill visit the xenons today to show them some luv again

  3. #33
    Jeez Vas, that fleet and corporate of yours is HUGE :shock: yesterday I started my 1st Sector Trader and am about to start another one .... ops:

    As they say, Empire's Edge seems to be a good place to start a ST, reached lvl 10 in an hour or two and made around 500k cr in the process. But the ship for the next one still remains open, either I'll have to wait a bit longer and buy a bigger one or get a smaller one and start right now. What is in your opinion a good choice as a freighter at this point? A boring Boron Dolphin SF perhaps?

    A map provided by the community lists Emperor Mines and Paranid Prime to have a "Special Facility" but I haven't been able to locate any, and I've done a full search to both of the "cubics" in question.

    Btw, have you noticed that if you visit a Pirate Base, they may plant a bomb in your ship and it'll explode once you leave the station? This is a 2.0 feature You have few seconds to locate and eject it. It's listed as "unknown device" in your cargo manifest.

  4. #34
    Forgot to mention, changing the vid card seems to have done the trick, no performance hiccups in Argon Prime any more, well at least not so bad.

  5. #35
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    Zitat Zitat von elk
    Jeez Vas, that fleet and corporate of yours is HUGE
    all busters and falcons were captured from pirates during the first time in my carrer

    regarding transports: I dont like the boron models. to slow and no turrets. if you want to fly one on your own I would prefer a split modell. kinda fast and with backward turret. small loadage of course but well..

    60-70% of my transports are argon modells. two or three split and a handfull ships from the paranids (one with 11.200 load).

    Ill check my statistics later. Ive expanded statistics about all tranports (remember that all tranport from different "werften" have different loading capability, weapons, speed etc.). even if they have the same name at times.

    regarding sector/universums traders. I dont like them. they are to dumb (they try to trade in pirate sectors to often) and get shot down.

    I had 10 universe traders at my prime time. now down to four and Ill continue not to replace them. but as long as you dont have a large industry its good to have them. you can help them once under attack and hyperjump on your own to help them.
    but meanwhile Iam a arrogant, fat and rich manager and I cant care about single transports... =)

    the "handelsvertreter" (with the bonus pack - they have to be attached to your factories or complexes) are way cleverer. if under attack they launch drones (they are buying them on their own) and jump away immediately.

    I have 7 handelsvertreter, 4 universe traders, 4 station managers and 5 logistik ships. thanks god for the bonus pack. without the logistiksoftware 1.0 and 2.0 it would need four times more ships to handle my empire.

  6. #36
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    btw: the "special nividium factory" in paranid prime is cloaked. thats part of the dumb story. later you can uncloak it for story mission purpose. dont care to much yet.

  7. #37
    Okie dokie, thx for the info. Btw, my game is a non-plot one, heard that the plot is stupid so I thought I'd skip it.

    About to set up my very first factory, a SSP it will be and most likely location is Kingdom's End.

    [edit] Saw an Unknown Object flyin in Emperor's Wisdow yesterday for the first time, managed to get a screenshot

  8. #38
    Found this tidbit of information concerning carriers, or any ship with docks:

    Question: Will the ships in the argon mammoths hanger deploy and defend when the mammoth is attacked?

    Answer: If they're homebased to the Mammoth, yes.

    Not that this is of any use for me in a loooong time, but may become handy to you Vas, but you most likely already knew this

  9. #39
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    yes of course. if a carrier is getting fire he is launching his fighters. but thats no good idea to drive your carrier into enemies fire range.
    besides that a 60 fighter carrying carrier launch only 4 fighter or somewhat if a enemy fighter is firing.
    but when moving into xenon or khaak territory you want all fighters launched asap =)

    btw. yesterday the graf zeppelin was blown after three minutes in xenon a territory. gna :shock: he was immediately attacked by 6 or 8 enemy heavy fighters. only a couple fighters made it out. weird. maybe they´ve hit my carrier with one of this nasty hammerhai torpedos?

    Ive also wrecked the M7 destroyer (my prinz eugen) to be able to blueprint and rebuild it in my dockyard. wrecking leasts 20 hours. now I can rebuild this modell. one ship takes 22 hours to build.

    my dockyard can not keep on track with my ship orders. I spend 100 million and bought a nacked cruiser and a corvette in argon prime therefore.

    little experience from yesterday: even that I mentioned the split cruiser has weaker shields and less batteries it seems these ships takes far less damage.
    obviously their flakbatteries are that effective that enemy fighters cant get in range. Ive them only equipped with four flak batteries in total but when fighters are inbound they are firing a nasty flakperimeter around the cruiser. looks and sounds awesome.
    the argon cruiser can just be equipped with flakguns instead batteries.

  10. #40
    About my first factory, well I bought one yesterday, but not a SPP. Instead I got a Cahoona Bakery L and placed it in The Wall as there seem to be plenty of resources available for it. Buying the SPP would have caused too big of a blow to my cash reserves at that time. Anyway, this is a better way to train myself into station management as this one needs more baby sitting because there are more resources than just one and in order to maximize the profitssss (teladi influence :P ) I have to arrange the sales as well. By using one Excel-based calculator, it should make 100k cr an hour. Not much but it's a start Hmm, actually, using the ComplexCalculator 2.3, 100,500 cr/h, break even 23.26 h, profit per day 2.4 mil cr. Nice tool.

    And no, I haven't installed the Bonus Pack yet but is there something special to take into consideration before/while installing it.

    Btw, met the first Kha'ak in my game in Emperor's Wisdom, a scout and a interceptor, both met the wrath of my 4xBIRE of my Disco 8)


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