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Thema: X3 - reunion

  1. #51
    Comparing my in game status to yours is like me trying to do the same lap times at <Nordschleife> in my Trabi as you do with your Ferrari, equally "frustrating" :wink:

    Yesterday I claimed my 1st two Pirate Busters in a row (usually pilots just give me the finger and I have to destroy their ships), of those two the other one I got repaired (calculated the total repair cost vs buying a new one) and the other is on it's way to the closest shipyard for sale.

    Now a few questions for you, I'm thinking about getting an M4 (M3s are too expensive for me at the moment). What woud be a good one (I already got a Buster) for personal use and with what kind of a armament. And if you have good weapon combos for claiming and fighting, that info would nice.


    Saw yesterday 6 Pirate Laser Towers in action, they were parked near N gate in Company Pride and attacked every freighter that came through the gate. They put up a nice light show, but are they really useful? Afterwards there was a pile of drones, you know if they are collectable?

    Among other new things, I saw a flight of Yakis and they seemed to act like Pirates.

  2. #52
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    if you want to fly a m4 now and already captured a buster try it.
    good choice anyway. as weaponry i cant remember what set-up my first buster had.
    if possible (not checked and cant remember) install a mix of lasers (PBKs) and projektilcanons (or are they to big for m4s. not sure yet) to switch to canons once your laserbank is overheated.

    after my buster i bought a M3 mamba aufklärer. kinda fast but weak shields (just 1x25mj). I sold it after a few days.
    after that I bought a nova aufklärer for my own (also only 2x25mj shields but fast enough and with a backward turret.. essential to counter missles once the moskitos are all gone).
    atm I switch between this nova and the argon m3+ eclipse (great ship with firepower almost like a corvette but to slow for my taste lol).

    anyway. get a m3 asap. or maybe you can cature a pirate m3 falcon. not the best choice but well.. (at least the standard pirate version has 130 vmax).

  3. #53
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    ok just checked. no cannons for m4s. go with the aplha PBks for the pirate buster version. dunno about SWGs. not my taste.

  4. #54
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    btw: Ive heaviliy expanded my fleet. sinza ftw =) also renamed and restructured it.


    scharnhorst (titan)
    gneisenau (titan)
    bismarck (phyton)
    tirpitz (phyton)
    wallenstein II (phyton)
    hohenstaufen (phyton)
    frundsberg (phyton) - just waiting for weapons installed


    prinz eugen
    admiral hipper
    admiral scheer (in production)
    lützow (planned)
    blücher (planned)


    bayern (zentaur)
    westfalen (zentaur)
    schleswig-holstein (zentaur)
    niedersachsen (nemesis)


    seydlitz (collosus)

    seydlitz is carrying maximum fighters now (60):

    jagdfliegerführer (a mamba for the Co and falke for the XO)
    jagdgeschwader 1 (7xbuster)
    jagdgeschwader 2 (7xbuster)
    jagdgeschwader 3 (7xbuster)
    erprobungsgruppe 200 (5x xenon L)
    schlachtgeschwader 76 (9x falke)
    schlachtgeschwader 77 (9x perseus)
    gefechtsverband kuhlmey (9x nova)
    aufklärungsgruppe (5x m5 harrier)

    additionall fighterwings (rapid reaction force):

    kampfgeschwader 54 (9x nova att. - with hyperjump)
    schnellkampfgeschwader 101 (3x xenonLX and 2x falke att. - with hyperj.)


    a werkschutzstaffel for complex defence stationed in teladi profit (6x falcons - together with the corvette niedersachsen in this sector)

    several more captured and repaired pirate falcons (but not equipped until needed) - around 10 or 12 atm.

    also the destroyers are also carrying 2x falcons each for emergency katapultstart =)

  5. #55
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    just found that (a announcement from today):

    looks awesome.

    90 new sectors :shock:

    m0 mega heavy uber super battleships :shock:

    long-range bombardement is also my taste.

    and a lot more wars :twisted:

  6. #56

    hab seit Ewigkeiten kein X³ mehr gespielt aber gestern damit begonnen. Sprich ich stehe ganz am Anfang. Im Moment drehe ich Touren zw. Erzgürtel, Heimat d. Lichts und Argon Prime um schnell an Geld zu bekommen.

    Jetzt aber ein paar Fragen....vor allem nachdem ich gerade den Link von Vasquez gelesen habe.

    1: Ist dieses XTended ein Mod? Wenn ja, funzt das auch dann, wenn ich schon mitm neuen Spiel begonnen habe oder nicht?

    2: Sagt mir mal paar wirklich profitable Routen, die in der Nähe von Argon Prime sind.

    3: Hab mit Händler gestartet und nen Schiff mit 3k Ladekapazitä der Schiffswerft find ich nur noch Supertanker mit grösserem Laderaum, aber die kosten paar 100k und haben "nur" 10k Ladekapazitäten. Ist das die Max. Grenze?
    We are the Pilgrims we shall go always a little further it may be Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow...

  7. #57
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    hiho verse,

    1: ja ein mod. muss aber gigantisch sein. warte auf den 0.7 release des mods dann lasse ich vanilla liegen. neu anfangen wird mann dann müssen heißt es, aber egal. vanilla wird einfach zu langweilig später wenn man sich alles leisten kann aber im prinzip nicht gefordert ist.

    problem bei vanilla ist, dass krieg ehrlich gesprochen sinnlos ist. man hat rein garnichts davon die xenon oder khaak in deren eigenen sektoren zu besuchen.
    und die xenon invasions sind auch im prinzip sinnfrei, zumal die nur stattfinden, wenn man diese "events" durch annehmen der mission (also das man helfen wird) triggern lässt. macht man das nichts bleibts friedlich.
    die paar xenon patrouillen die so mal wieder rumkurven (maximalst eine korvette und 6 jäger) sind ja nicht wirklich furchteinflössend.

    2: naja, bedarf an erz gibts recht viel in der gegenad. silizium und energiezellen auch. im prinzip an jeder menge mehr, einfach mal umgucken.

    3: gibt insgesamt rund 50 versschiedene frachterversionen. maximal kapazität liegt so bei 13k iirc. mann muss zuweilen auch abwägen ob das lohnt. lieber bisl weniger kapazität aber dafür nen schnelleren frachter.
    die paraniden haben einen (nicht in paranid prime soweit ich mich erinnere), der ist recht gut. bis 11k laderaum und noch 80 vmav oder so.

    habe selber nur 2 oder 3 richtig dicke, der rest sind fast alles merkur.

  8. #58
    Hi verse,

    to your #2 question, a few items

    Cattle Ranch//Argnu Beef ---> Cahoona Bakery//Cahoona Meatsteaks ---> Hi Tech / Weapon Factories for example Cloudbase South East/Argon Prime

    Energy Cells from The Wall, Ore Belt, Power Circle.

    Satellites in Argon Prime, factories should be quite full in the beginning, sell to Trading Stations.

    Boron space Kingdom End//BoGas ---> Rolk's Drift/Queen's Space//BoFu --> same sectors and other Boron sectors/Trading Stations/Factories

    And buy Trading Extension as soon as you can afford, lets you see the prices in stations in a sector without the need to dock.

    Would Vas be so kind and check the names for the wares, factories and commodities if they are named differently in german version, and translate if needed. I don't feel secure enough to do so ops:

  9. #59
    Zitat Zitat von Vasquez
    gefechtsverband kuhlmey (9x nova)

    Quite impressive fleet you have. I on the other hand am proud of my newly formed 1st Fighter Wing (2 x Pirate Buster, armed with 4 x APPC, 2 x BIRE), haven't decided the final name for it yet Btw those pirate ships look cool, great paint job. But to arm those, now that was quite expensive, and I guess these were still one of the cheapest ones :P

    There's an option for the ships Wingman Yes/No, is its only function to display the letter "W" on the various lists? I guess it means if you fly with a group then you can command them as a group. Have you used this function? And when you form a ncp wing, do you just select one ship to be the flight leader and jset the other ships to protect it?

    Funny thing, I killed my first Xenons yesterday, took a "taxi mission" at Two Grand ED, the guy I was about to give a lift warned me about Xenons being after him and they might be in this sector. And they where, five of them. Killed two, then the rest must have jumped away as they where nowhere to be seen anymore. Might this incident have something to do with my visit to the totally empty (well except for a flight of 3 Yakis) Unknown Sector ( 2, 10) east from Patriarch's Retreat.


    Found an explanation for the wingman thingy from <this link>

  10. #60
    Generalinspekteur Avatar von Vasquez
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    all my fighters have the wingman mark yes.

    if I operate them all in one sector flight leaders are useless of course.
    I just have one (two) on my carrier.

    usually I order the carrier fighters to attack all enemies or attack and land.

    Ive very often a special wing one gate away and order them to attack a special target (takes more time of course until these guys have any impact).

    The rotte on the destroyers are just there to protect their home ship once under attack.

    As sector guards just fighters are useless btw. even 5 falcons or whatsoever will get raped by one or two pirate novas. the better strategy here is to have a corvette as sector guard with fighters ordered to protect the corvette. works far better.

    i have decided to attack and occupy (or try to) a xenon sector next weekend (frundsberg and scheer are both finished as well). the one north from the sec. black sun to open a direct path to the split territory there. hope I can keep the xenons down afterward.

    If I succeed to wipe them completely I will let a occupation force there and install as many turrets as I can.


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