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Thema: Order f

  1. #1

    Order für Campaign 35

    also ich hab noch keine offiziellen order gesehen,war aber jetzt auf 2 meetings wo der start der nächsten map besprochen wurde.
    soweit ich das verstanden habe ist der plan vom anfang an der map,
    so schnell wie möglich die inseln zu cappen
    dann von vlissingen aus bresken und die städte bis oostende cappen
    mit oostende haben wir dann einen link nach england
    und england ist das hauptziel
    das alles soll innerhalb von 48 stunden passieren (zumindest die inseln cappen)

    wie gesagt hab noch keine schriftlichen order dafür gesehen,alles nur über die ts meetings erfahren.
    und das ist TOP SECRET :wink:
    "das Fluchen macht den Kopf nur heiß.Bist Du am Feind - sei kalt wie Eis."
    "Kein Anderer als ein Jäger spürt,Den Kampf und Sieg so konzentriert,Das macht uns glücklich,stolz und froh,Der Jägerei ein H o r r i d o!"
    "Lost are only those, who abandon themselves!"
    - Hans Ulrich Rudel

  2. #2
    Oberstleutnant Avatar von Andrew01
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    hört sich gut an aber ob die ratten sich das mit angucken wenn wir England nehmen?

  3. #3
    wen das klappt haben die allies bald totale uber waffen ,dazu nen minengürtel um england und flak platformen auf see :wink:

  4. #4
    Zitat Zitat von Berserk4
    wen das klappt haben die allies bald totale uber waffen ,dazu nen minengürtel um england und flak platformen auf see :wink:
    scheiss egal... wenn wir wirklich mal englnd einnehmen können se das ruhig alles bekommen :evil:

    träller... denn wir fahren.. denn wir fahren gegen engeland...

  5. #5
    Here is the plan for Map reset #35. If you are switching sides and recieved this email by mistake, please erase it now.

    First don't show anyone else this. If this were to get to the Allies BEFORE CRS locks in their plan, we could get beat badly.

    A few notes of interest.
    1.) Two Brigades of 33ID are going to go after Villisgen. We'll need to work with KM to make this happen. Lots of Para flights and quick caps of the Docks. Once we take the AF and Docks we are getting DDs and Bomber Bases. The Strategic bombing LW guys are going to love the short flight times. We Heer will love our RDP advantages. After Villisgen we can either go after Knocke and England, or flank around behind Twerp.

    2.) The remaining two 33ID Brigades are going to have to cover Zandvielt and Kalmthout. Notice we can not do that. With only 2 brigades we can cover BOZ and Rossendall OR one of Zandvielt and Kalmthout. Technically we can cover all the towns around Antwerp, but to keep our flags in those positions is unrealistic. We will get a KM in BOZ so they can not soft cap through us, and lets put our attention on keeping Kalmthout.

    3.) The Andenne Gap. This one is Direct orders from above. There were other options, but they chose this map setup. The map setup is not going to change so accept it and move on, I have. There is a Gap in our lines. IF the French have 3 Divsions stationed around Dinnat (likely), one of those divisions can go for Andenne, Huy, Ramet, and where ever else it wants to go. Notice that 6A does not have the flags to cover. Notice that 12a has been given a 2 prong division to cover Ciney NOT a 3 prong. Because of this, 12A cannot cover the gap either.

    3.) ORDERS -- Don't cover the Andenne Gap. Yes you read it right. Don't complain, I have already done enough complaining for all of 6A. A KM will be placed in Liege to prevent them softcapping it. I have a feeling that our orders to "do nothing" will change rapidly once the French divsion begins to flank us. Because of our current flag setup, our line will fall apart and things will get very interesting.
    NOTE: If there is no 3rd Division or if the French choose not to advance, there is nothing to worry about and our extra 2 flags that would cover the gap can be used to beat down the Allies elsewhere.

    12A - We have been working with 12a nicely. Lets keep it up. They will need our help in the South to capture a few important targets early on. So lets make sure we are there for them.

    LW - LW is going to be critical for our Zeelands operation. Remember to give them at least 30 mins to get fighters overhead. The Brits have a powerful Air Force, so lets be sure to count on our Bofors to clear the skies, not our overwehlmed and outequipped LW.

    KM - Critical to our success. For us to advance in the Zeelands, we need their DDs. Communicate often and remember, it takes them hours to get a DD in place. KM will likely take the lead in the Zeelands assult. They are very good at it by now. Let them have their AO and let KM take 33ID to our Objective. With a Heer Brigade designated to move through the Zeelands, I can assure you that we will have Full KM support.
    "das Fluchen macht den Kopf nur heiß.Bist Du am Feind - sei kalt wie Eis."
    "Kein Anderer als ein Jäger spürt,Den Kampf und Sieg so konzentriert,Das macht uns glücklich,stolz und froh,Der Jägerei ein H o r r i d o!"
    "Lost are only those, who abandon themselves!"
    - Hans Ulrich Rudel


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