Danke Yark!

Hier ein paar aktuelle Informationen zu Änderungen:

So we are planning the following adjustments to co-incide with a patch to be released next week:

1. Increase in the resupply timer from 4.5 hours to 7 hours.
2. Reduction of players required per AO (adding 1-2 AOs depending on
population; extreme low-pop/BC will not be affected)
3. Increase to the number of AOs the HC must place before the system
does to 90% (rounded down - leaving them 1 spare for counter attacks

So you're wondering: Why didn't we just limit brigade stacking?

We've looked at some options along this line, but we found we were very quickly becoming immersed in complex rules, and most of all, it required code changes. None of the above solutions require code changes.

We also don't feel that brigade stacking is inherently evil, and that a little carrot is required rather than stick. Precluding the possibility of stacking entirely is, in our evaluation, not a truly "better" option.

Increase in resupply timer

We determined that the root problem with brigade stacking is the continual supply of equipment, a result of attrition being slower than resupply. It takes between 5-6 hours to completely attrit a brigade, longer if the division is being used to top up supplies. Thus a brigade can be swapped out well before depletion and replaced with a fresh, healthy unit, and the cycle can be repeated ad nauseum.

Reduction of players required per AO

This addresses a secondary issue - players disatisfied with the number of working objectives for limited action engagements. It also increases the risks in brigade stacking.

Increased AO placement requirements

HCs are often reluctant to place AOs for two reasons: a) It gives away where you intend to fight allowing the enemy to mount a defense, b) A defense objective is in jeopoardy and will soon need to be replaced with an attack objective.

Unfortunately the first objective goes against everything that makes the game fun, but HCs are caught between a rock and a hard place here. Placing an AO reveals your hand and denies your freedom to launch complete surprise attacks.

Conversely, however, it keeps the enemy from reducing gameplay to 24x7 "whackamole".

This seems a good time to remind you that AO placement is not restricted to High Command staff. If you and your squad have an objective you would like to carry out, contact the HC and ask to take OIC for a brigade.

OIC status gives you access to the High Command channel to see the decision making process going on, enabling you to make informed decisions on where you and your squad are going to fight and allows you to operate the brigade you are in-charge of.
