Zitat Zitat von SIRBENNY

What is TeamSpeak?
- TeamSpeak is flexible, powerful, scalable software which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet.

Do I need TeamSpeak?
-No, you don’t need TeamSpeak to play Battleground Europe.

Where do I get TeamSpeak?
-You can download TeamSpeak from www.teamspeak.com

How much will this cost me?
-TeamSpeak is a free program. CRS maintains the TeamSpeak servers and relevant costs.

I have downloaded the software, what is the server address?
-The Axis TeamSpeak server address is:
-The Allied TeamSpeak server address is:

I made it into the TeamSpeak server, what is next?
-Along the top bar is a “self” menu. Click on the “self” menu and choose, “Register with server”. Enter the required information. You are reigistered! You are now ready to enjoy TeamSpeak.

OK, I have followed all of your instructions, but I just can’t make this work.
-There is some great “Help” in the software, check that out.

OK, I checked the help out, I still can’t make this thing work.
-Email SIRBENNY at sirbenny@playnet.com

What about Server administrators (SA) and Channel Administrators (CA) ?
-LATHAM, TOPD, and SIRBENNY are all Server Administrators (SA).
-Country level and above High Command Officers are all Server Administrators (SA).
-Country Level and above High Command Officers will assign Channel Administrator (CA) rights to those individuals they deem necessary.

Any other problems or questions:
-Email SIRBENNY at sirbenny@playnet.com

Have fun!!

John "Sirbenny" Cossarek
Game Communications Coordinator
WWII Online - Battleground Europe
Cornered Rat Software / Playnet