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  1. #331

  2. #332

  3. #333
    Stand von Star Citizen in 2024:

    Gezogen aus dem Spectrum Forum von CIG und geschrieben von einem aus der Community sehr bekannten deutschen Kritiker:

    Zitat Zitat von Camural
    I have no idea why CIG is talking about 1.0 recently.
    If CIG release a Star Citizen 1.0 in the next 5 years it will be a disaster.

    It will get destroyed in hundreds of videos and articles:
    +11 years and +700 million dollars for that?
    Where did the money go?

    Star Citizen in year 12 is still a bad tech demo at best:

    -we are still missing basics, basic mechanics, some very basic physics

    -CIG throws lowest effort tier 0 first iterations into the game and never works on them, never improves them, for example refueling, hull munching, cargo handling (where are the machines and NPCs?), trolleys, armor etc.

    -we are getting one low effort rework after the other, see recently Retaliator

    -Star Citizen had one of the worst UIs in history of gaming and now in 3.23 we got the Ironman UI which is even worse

    -we got the arcade, gamey, no fun mastermodes in 3.23, something Chris said he would never do: Chris Flight model 2014:

    -we have lots of lag, low fps and massive desyncs issues with just 100 players on a server

    -CIG hasn’t even finished the flight model and ship combat in year 12

    -we have boring and repetitive missions, for example every bunker looks the same, NPCs are in the same spots

    -we have tedious time sinks on top of tedious time sinks, 30 minutes preparation and flying to do a 3 minute mission

    -CIG is using an old and obsolete engine with massive LOD and culling issues, and no, calling it StarEngine doesn't change the fundamentals of Cry-engine

    -we have survival mechanics in a space game that are way overdone, like dying of thirst in 3 hours, we cannot even eat or drink with a helmet on, something NASA figured out 60 years ago

    -we will get personal hygiene, toilet game play and perma death

    -we have 1 out of 100 star systems in year 12
    Geändert von Lafen (Heute um 14:58 Uhr)


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