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  1. #1

    Memorial Service for Bishfase

    Hab ich gerade im OKW Forum entdeckt, wollte den Link nur mal hier posten falls irgendjemand vielleicht an der Zeremonie teilnehmen möchte.
    Das ganze soll in Verdun stattfinden (Live Server) und zwar am Sonntag den 18. um 5.00 CST, wobei ich denke das 17.00 Uhr CST gemeint ist, also hier 24.00 Uhr.
    Die Briten stellen übrigens auch ne Abordnung.
    Memorial Service for Bishfase

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Neustadt / Hessen
    Memorial Service for Bishfase

    Um was geht es dabei genau auser das keiner ballert ?

    Mein englisch ist nicht das beste

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Generalmajor Avatar von Lollo
    Registriert seit
    bishface war ein 16jähriger neuseeländer, der bei einem auto-unfall um's leben kam...

    zu seinen ehren wird man eine trauerfeier veranstalten...nahe verdun auf einem hügel....da auch die alliierten eine abordnung stellen, ist dort natürlich schiessverbot. die waffen werden nicht offen getragen.

    also ich werde versuchen an der zeremonie teilzunehmen...

    glaube der org-channel war 67...steht aber alles auf der okw-seite....

    It was recently learned that the 2nd Gebirgs, and this community has lost one of its comrades.

    Many of you would not know him for he wasn't into posting on the forums a lot, and had only been with this community a few short months.

    His name was Bishfase.

    "Bish" has fallen pray to a drunk driver in his home town of Taupo, New Zealand. He was on his way to pick up his brother at the airport when a drunk driver crossed the center line doing 140KPH, and hit Bish head on.

    He was killed instantly.

    He was 16 years old.

    His brother went on to tell me: "Both my brother and I are gamers and he was always telling me how much he enjoyed playing with the 2nd Gebirgs and was really impressed with how you guys took him under your wing so to speak with the tank column when he first played."

    As I said he didn't get a chance to play with us very long, but he has made a lasting impression on everyone in our squad, and he will be sorrowfully missed by us in the 2nd G as well I think in this community.

    He was truly one of the unsung Hero's of this game. Never complained. Never doubted. He just went out and had fun.

    May this be a lesson to all of us. Think before you climb behind the wheel after you've taken that last drink. I'm sure some of us have been quilty of this at one time or another, but may we never have to go through this ourselves.

    A SALUTE to Ashley "Bishfase" Dalton.

    May your armor be strong, and your rifle be true.


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